What is Gospel Rap?

What is Gospel Rap?

Gospel music has been increasing in popularity for quite some time. Christian music has a wide range and reaches many people. There are many subgenres of Christian music, including Gospel music and Christian hip hop. There was a time when Christian hip hop was once referred to as Gospel rap or Christian rap. This type…

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Spiritual Growth in the Documents on Ecumenism from Vatican II

I am putting Orientalium Ecclesiarum, Unitatis Redintegratio and Nostra Aetate together to talk about ecumenism. Orientalium Ecclesiarum discusses the Eastern Churches who are in a state of schism with the Roman Catholic Church, but who have valid apostolic succession and valid sacraments. Unitatis Redintegratio is the main document on ecumenism, discussing our relationship with non-Catholic…

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Spiritual Growth and Evangelization in the Second Vatican Council

Spiritual growth includes becoming active in the mission of Christ and his Church. Evangelization is an important part of that mission. In fact, Jesus’ last command, “Go and preach the good news to all the earth” is called the “Great Commission.” In the documents Ad Gentes and Inter Marifica, the Second Vatican Council makes it…

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5 Meaningful Gifts To Celebrate Christian Confirmation

5 Meaningful Gifts To Celebrate Christian Confirmation

Confirmation is a very important part of any Christian child or teen’s initiation into adulthood. Presenting the newly confirmed person with a special gift is both a wonderful commemoration and congratulatory memento. Here are five gift ideas for this special time in any Christian’s life. A Rosary A beautiful rosary is a special gift for…

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Spiritual Project: Discerning Your Mission

3-Fold Mission: Priest, Prophet, King

Officially, and by officially I mean if you look through the catechism, if you look through Church documents, the Church doesn’t really talk much about a personal mission. It talks a lot about a vocation, but even there, “officially” the Church usually talks about vocation in terms of priestly vocation or the call to religious…

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Where Are All the Catholics Living Faith?

If Catholics really had a living faith they would be an unstoppable force for good in the world. But the sad fact is, most Catholics are not living as disciples of Jesus. Do you want to miss the opportunity of a lifetime? I know it sounds judgmental for me to say that most Catholics are…

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Spiritual Growth in Lumen Gentium from Vatican II

Spiritual Growth in Lumen Gentium from Vatican II

Lumen Gentium is the Sacred Constitution on the Church. Pope Paul VI wrote the encycilcal Ecclesiam Suam (Pathways of the Church),. In that document, he tells us that Lumen Gentium is an examination of conscience for the Church. It asks the question, “Church, what do you say of yourself?” It uses Sacred Scripture and Sacred…

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