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Knowledge Base

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Can I make physical copies of the worksheet pages?

The Group Access Plan comes with the right to make unlimited photocopies of the activity pages. However, if you purchase the physical workbook we ask that you not make photocopies. We appreciate your respect for our intellectual property, and the money we raise through Teaching the Way of Love helps us to expand our program,…

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What is Teaching the Way of Love?

Teaching the Way of Love (TWL) is a program for Catholic parents that encourages and empowers them to embrace their role as the primary educators of their children, especially in the areas of moral and personal development. The program combines the latest in parenting research with the ancient wisdom of the Catholic Church. Teaching the Way of…

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What Options Are Available for Parishes to Purchase Teaching the Way of Love?

We have tried to make Teaching the Way of Love as flexible as possible for parishes. Fortunately – or unfortunately – this means that there are a lot of choices about how to purchase and implement TWL. The media formats and options for each media format are listed below – along with basic pricing information.  Option…

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Which parents does a license for a school district cover?

If you have purchased a Teaching the Way of Love USB drive for a school district that is not directly affiliated with a parish, you may use the material on the USB drive for all parents within the school system. There is no need to purchase a separate USB drive for each school. This means…

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